01/29/20Causes of Weak Core Muscles in Toddlers: Core Strength Activities for ToddlersIt’s difficult to balance, perform coordinated movements on both sides of the body, sit up straight in a chair, hold a...Read More
08/16/19The Importance of Childhood Nutrition: Create a Healthy EnvironmentCreating an environment where your kids can make healthy nutritional choices is one of the most important steps you can take...Read More
03/08/19Help! Homework!Picture this, it’s eight o’clock at night, your second grader is supposed to be in bed. Everyone is tense and angry....Read More
03/01/19Your Child’s Engine LevelHave you noticed when it’s just about time for bedtime your child starts playing even harder, running around and chatting your...Read More
02/11/19Dressing MilestonesIf your house is anything like my house in the morning, there are a lot of words exchanged back-and-forth between my...Read More
01/25/19What is the W-Sitting Position?The W-positions is one of many sitting positions that most children move into and out of while playing, but it’s a...Read More