12/14/18Games to Encourage Speech and Language Development in Older Children (You’ll Enjoy Them, Too!)Open up the bag of any SLP, and you’ll find a slew of resources for younger kids. Games, activities and books...Read More
10/12/18AnxietyWhen children are chronically anxious, even the most well-meaning parents can fall into a negative cycle and, not wanting a child...Read More
10/09/18Should my Child get the Flu Vaccine?With summer behind us and fall and winter in front of us, there are endless things to look forward to! Cooler...Read More
09/28/18Healthy Snack Ideas For Back To SchoolBusy families sometimes have trouble fitting in three healthy meals each day. Take extra care to make certain your child’s snacks...Read More
09/10/18Back to SchoolSome children look forward look forward to the prospect of heading back to school after a long summer to see their...Read More
09/10/18Food SensitivitiesWhat to Avoid for Better Learning: Food Sensitivities in kids with ADHD and Learning Disabilities Kids with ADHD and children who...Read More