Solace Blog


Teething Remedies

January 11, 2019

Teething is hard work and unfortunately it is something we all must go through. Thankfully, most of us don’t remember the pain! But what can you do to help your little one through this milestone?

Teething: Symptoms and How to Help

A full set of 20 baby teeth can take three years to develop. Symptoms of teething can include irritability, trouble sleeping, sore gums, loss of appetite, excessive drooling, and of course the urge to chew on everything.  With symptoms showing three-five days before the appearance of each tooth, that’s a lot of cranky days and sleepless nights. You’ll have plenty of opportunities to test different soothers and find what works for your little one.

Applying something cold to help numb the gums is very effective and soothing for teething pain. There are several easy and virtually free ways to do this with things you probably already have in your home.  Partially freeze a clean, wet cloth. Let your little one chew on the cold cloth to help numb the area and reduce swelling. Offer your baby an ice cube placed in a securely tied small muslin bag.

It is often easy to tell when a baby starts teething because they really begin to chew everything, quite similar to a puppy. The counter-pressure seems to help soothe the pain. They chew on fingers, toys, furniture and even siblings!  The most convenient teething tool out there is your own clean hand. If you can stand the gnawing, offer your baby your clean knuckle and he will happily chew away. You might think twice however, if your little one already has teeth. Those little chompers are mighty powerful!

Amber necklaces have gained a lot of popularity in recent years. The theory is that the warmth of the baby’s body releases the succinic acid found in Baltic amber. Succinic acid can have analgesic properties which help relieve pain in the body. It is difficult to prove one way or another whether these necklaces are effective but there are many, many testimonials and reviews sharing success stories.

Cutting teeth can be a rough time for both mom (and dad!) and baby, but with a few natural teething remedies like these, it can be much easier and less painful to get through.

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